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How it all works for Real Estate video.

I am a pretty easy going guy. So it is with pride that I offer my services and I make regular clients while easily offering value for the dollar. It thrills me when one of my videos is in part responsible for the sale of a property. It gives me new purpose. Believe me, this is what you want from one of your vendors.

So, you call me or email me with an idea, and you want to get an idea for cost. Well, it all depends on my time commitment for the project, your expectation as far as how difficult it will be to achieve and, of course, my travel time.

I will direct you to several of my favorite examples. I will share with you my opinion and then listen to your requirements.

In developing my offerings over the past years I have grown both in my skills and in my technology offerings and the way in which I can capture the subject at hand. These are evolutions that are continually being tested and reinvented.

Most of my regular clients have their own style and how they like their work presented. Below is a quick overview of just what is possible highlighting the categories that are most frequently used. Think of it as a starting point of what I currently do well.

Raw video only: Yes, some people like to edit their own and that's no problem by me.

Raw video and stills: Just a variation on the above.

Produced video with inserted stills that customer provides: Some clients have their established team including a photographer. I can do video for the outside of a property and incorporate stills from your photographer. That works for me.

Fully produced video with internal video. This is my favorite category as it lets me utilize my technology techniques and cameras.

I also do stills. HDR stills of exterior and interior. I offer this as a stand alone product, or combine it with a video of some sort.

Let us start the conversation with this in mind.

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